VBUC Quick Start Glossary

    ASP Upgrade Companion

    MIgrates ASP code to ASP.NET. 


    Performs preprocess and upgrade phase.


    Reference to another project in the upgrade solution.

    Unresolved Reference

    When the referenced component could not be found or the necessary information could not be retrieved.

    Upgrade Solution

    The solution files that VBUC works with. It stores the information of all the VB6 projects found in the source code folder. The file extension is .VBCSln.

    Sln File

    A Visual Studio .NET solution file.


    Mobilize.Net Upgrade solution file.

    Source Folder

    The initial base directory that the user selects when creating a new upgrade solution.

    Assessment Mode

    A mode of the VBUC in which the Upgrade and Preprocess options are disabled. This mode can happen when the license is invalid (expired, code lines exceeded) or when it was installed explicitly as the Assessment Mode Version.

    Visual Basic Upgrade Companion Quick Start

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