In VB6, by default, parameters are passed by reference. So it’s common, when writing VB6 code not to worry about this. As a result most parameters will end up as ByRef without explicitly declaring them that way.
In VB6 ByRef arguments can take constant values, literals, invocations and other expressions that are not supported in C#.
VBUC corrects this conflict between C# and VB6 by generating auxiliary variables:
int tempRefParam = 1;
Foo(ref tempRefParam);
To alleviate this issue, the new VBUC will thoroughly analyze the source code to determine if a parameter can be safely converted from ByRef to ByVal.
This improvement will, in typical code, reduce by 70% the quantity of temporary variables generated by the VBUC. The generate code will be more readable and maintainable, and also will reduce the number of compilation errors.
Public Sub F1(p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer)
F1A(p1, p2)
End Sub
Public Sub F2(p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer)
F2A(p1, p2)
End Sub
Public Sub F1A(p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer)
p2 = p2 + p1
MsgBox("p1=" & p1 & " p2=" & p2)
End Sub
Public Sub F2A(p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer)
MsgBox("p1=" & p1 & " p2=" & p2)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
F1(1, 1)
F2(2, 2)
End Sub
public void F1( int p1, ref int p2){
F1A(p1, ref p2);
public void F2( int p1, int p2){
F2A(p1, p2);
Public void F1A( int p1, ref int p2){
p2 += p1;
MessageBox.Show(“p1=“ + p1.ToString() + “ p2=“ + p2.ToString(),
Public void F2A( int p1, int p2){
MessageBox.Show(“p1=“ + p1.ToString() + “ p2=“ + p2.ToString(),
Private void Form1_Load( Object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs){
int tempRefParam = 1;
F1(1, ref tempRefParam);
F2(2, 2);
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