Code |
Description |
1035 |
#If #EndIf block was not upgraded because the expression %1 did not evaluate to True or was not evaluated |
1050 |
Structure %1 may require marshaling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement |
1059 |
Code was upgraded to use %1 which may not have the same behavior |
1065 |
Error handling statement (%1) could not be converted properly. A throw statement was generated instead. |
1066 |
%2 is defined by a CreateObject method, which class name is not registered. |
1067 |
Member %2 is not defined in type %3 |
1069 |
Error handling statement (%1) was converted to a complex pattern which might not be equivalent to the original |
2018 |
Remove the next line of code to stop form from automatically showing |
2045 |
Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported in Windows Forms. |
7010 |
The connection string must be verified to fulfill the .NET data provider connection string requirements |
How to prevent the application from exiting immediately after starting |