Blueprint Migration Process


Analyze, Prioritize, and Modernize your Legacy App Portfolio

Let us help you eradicate legacy technical debt

A data driven, top-down approach to analyzing, prioritizing, and modernizing your legacy applications across the enterprise to unblock your digital transformation

Enterprise digital transformation is a challenge. Old applications on obsolete or unsupported platforms can create significant vulnerabilities not the least of which are security holes, inability to respond quickly to changing market dynamics, and difficulty finding capable developers who understand old languages and platforms.

With more than two decades experience in migrating legacy code, Mobilize is the most qualified partner to understand your specific needs and propose an actionable and effective modernization plan.

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Time to Mobilize

7 steps in the Process of Mobilizing a Portfolio

Step 1:
Portfolio Analysis

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4: 
Automated Modernization

Step 5:
Last Mile Development and QA

Step 6:
Hosting and Operations

Step 7:
Support and Maintenance

Step 1: Portfolio Analysis


Mobilize.Net and your company collaborate in creating a scorecard for all your custom applications, measuring them against business value (vertical axis) and technical quality (horizontal axis).

Some apps should be replaced by commercial off the shelf software (COTS); some should be left alone, and some should be invested in.

The top left quadrant represents those apps that should be remediated either by improving, rewriting, migrating, or wrapping/remoting.

Step 2: Assessment

The next step is to run analysis tools on those applications that are candidates for migration based on Step 1 above. 

Metadata collected from static source code analysis describes objects, references, language features, app size in LOC and more. This data, combined with details about business priorities, compliance issues, potential cost savings, etc. helps establish a roadmap for app modernization.


Step 3: Blueprint

A thorough analysis of each individual application - at the source code level - yields blueprints, or plans, for each modernization project.

Each Migration Blueprint identifies all significant issues that will be encountered as well as steps to address them.

The Migration Blueprint includes detailed schedules and estimates for the migration project. Blueprints are scheduled to mirror the roadmap of app modernization projects. HIghly specialized engineers will work under NDA to review the details of your application's source code, dependencies, architecture, and platform to design the most efficient migration plan possible.

Step 4: Automated Modernization

Mobilize.Net's modernization tools use best-in-class automation techniques to translate legacy languages, forms, and platforms to modern equivalents. Automated migration preserves the value embedded in your source code while letting you quickly bridge the technology gap without disrupting your existing users.

Pure source code migration creates a new code base "as if you wrote it from scratch" with all object names and comments preserved and without any binary runtimes, black boxes, or emulators. 

Automated migration preserves functional business logic and workflows, so no new bugs are introduced to proven algorithms and routines as a result of migration. By comparison, rewriting manually can introduce from 10 to 50 defects per 1000 lines of code (KLOC), depending on the quality of the development team and processes. 

Mobilize's automated migration step can get 80 percent or more of the code to compile, while getting all forms rendered in the new platform.

Step 5: Last Mile Development and QA

Following the automated migration in Step 4, some manual work is required to complete the modernization:

  • Implement "Red" (ie no equivalent on target platform) items from Blueprint step
  • Find and correct all unresolved reference stubs
  • Analyze and address all errors, warnings, and issues (EWIs)
  • Touch-up the user interface in the new forms package
  • Automate all test cases from source platform to new QA test harness
  • Fix remaining bugs from test suite and ad hoc user testing

That's it. At this point your new, functionally-equivalent application is compiled and running--ready to be deployed. You've saved 75 percent or more compared to performing the same translation manually.

Step 6 (Optional): Hosting and Operations

If you have chosen the option of migrating your desktop app all the way to the web,Mobilize.Net is ready to assist you with deploying and operating your new web app.

Some options available include:

  • DevOps processes to publish the app to your operating environment
  • Support for private, public, or hybrid cloud environments
  • App workload monitoring and management
  • Custom dashboards 
  • Instrumentation via hi-res telemeters
  • Full turnkey services available.

Step 7 (Optional):
Support and Maintenance

  • "Stay Healthy and Secure" support and maintenance services continuously perform regression tests and fix any bugs introduced by security, stability, or feature updates to the underlying platform layers. 
  • After passing QA on current platform layers (monthly or more frequently), updated app is certified for redeployment so you can continue to run on current, supported, stable and secure platform software
  • Prevents slippage back into obsolescence or reliance on out of date, insecure, OS, libraries, frameworks
  • Leverages QA automation built in stage 5
  • Keeps team in place able to implement new feature requests efficiently as business needs dictate.
Support and Maintenance

Mobilize.Net's expert consultants will work on site with you through the initial assessment phases. Access to source code and to application experts will be required to obtain all the necessary information.  

The engagement will typically last between 4-12 weeks depending on the number of applications in the portfolio.

To learn how your legacy issues can be resolved once and for all, click on "Contact Us

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Mobilize.Net offers tools, support and services to help you move your legacy code to modern platforms.
Mobilize offers flexible service options that fit your budget:

  • Fully functional, tested application on the new platform
  • Code and forms migration
  • Code conversion only
  • Comprehensive migration plans
  • Free code analysis and cost estimates.
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