Source Code Management (SCM)

Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping

Fast track your application discovery and dependency mapping

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Build a Solid MVP Foundation: Dependency Mapping, UX, and Tech Roadmap

GAPs Application Dependency Mapping, what we call the App Vision Map, aims to provide organizations with a clear roadmap and actionable insights for modernizing their application landscape, optimizing costs, and aligning technology investments with business objectives.

What is Application Dependency Mapping

Application dependency mapping is a process that helps organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationships and interdependencies between various applications, systems, and infrastructure components within their IT environment. By creating a visual representation or "map" of these dependencies, businesses can better grasp how changes or issues in one area may impact other connected components.

By thoroughly analyzing the existing application portfolio, dependencies, and future requirements, the App Vision Map service can help businesses make informed decisions about their application strategy, prioritize initiatives, and navigate the complexities of digital transformation more effectively.

Why This Matters:

  • Faster Dev, Fewer Bugs: A clear dependency map streamlines development and helps you catch issues early.
  • Product That Resonates: Strong UX leads to higher user engagement and better data for future iterations.
  • Confident Growth: Building on a well-planned architecture saves you from costly rewrites down the line.

Ready to build an MVP that works? Let's map out your success.

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Get Your App Vision Map

Want to get started on your application vision map and understand dependencies?

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Why GAP For Application Dependency Mapping?

What We Offer:

  • Dependency Untangling: We'll map out your app's interconnected components, avoiding costly surprises during development.
  • UX That Drives Adoption: Thoughtful wireframes and UI ensure your MVP is actually usable and delights users.
  • Scalable Tech Plan: We'll recommend an architecture that can evolve with your growth, preventing future refactoring headaches.
  • Investor/Budgeting Ammo: Our roadmap and cost estimates give you the data to secure funding or plan effectively.

What You'll Get:

  • Detailed Wireframes: Blueprint for your app's functionality.
  • Slick UI Mockups: Validate the look and feel before coding.
  • Architecture Diagram: Visualize your tech stack.
  • Project Timeline & Costs: No guesswork for budgeting.

We Build Too: Seamless MVP Execution

We don't just plan, we can bring your MVP to life:

  • Agile/Scrum Methodology: Iterative sprints deliver working features fast.
  • User Feedback Loop: You're involved at every step for tailored results.
  • Rigorous Testing: Bugs get squashed throughout the process.



Mobilize.Net Migrations Testimonials

GAP offers valuable technology and services that help customers easily modernize their legacy applications for use on today’s modern platforms and devices program at Microsoft.

- Shawn Nandi, Sr Director, Cloud App Development, Data & AI Marketing

GAP has a strong track record of building products that successfully automate challenging source code migrations, and this partnership will empower our customers.

- Chris Degnan, CRO, Snowflake

By using GAP's proven conversion tools and staff, we are able to do this much faster than a manual conversion. This is not simply a move of NextGen to a remote server, but a true conversion to a cloud environment.

- Bruce Collier, President, Local Government Corporation