Analyze your source code with ByteInsight to make an informed decision
Run ByteInsight to analyze your source code for free.
Get a free static code analysis report with a detailed inventory of your source code.
Understand your options for successfully modernizing your source code.
Over the years, source code piles up in repositories and servers and given sufficient changes and branches, it can be difficult or impossible to understand what you have.
You can't deal with what you have until you know what you have and that is where our ByteInsight source code analysis tool comes in.
Visual Basic 6.0, .NET, C#, VB.NET | ASP, ASP.NET |
C/C++ | Delphi/Pascal |
Java | JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript |
PHP | PowerBuilder |
Python | SQL |
Teradata BTEQ | Informix 4GL |
8834 N Capital of Texas Hwy, Ste 302
Austin, TX 78759
Call us: +1.512.243.5754