Mobilize.Net Announces SnowConvert for SQL Server to Accelerate Snowflake Adoption

by DeeDee Walsh, on Thu, Mar, 17, 2022 @ 05:03 AM

Mobilize.Net SnowConvert is the most effective tool for migrating Microsoft SQL Server DDL, DML, and T-SQL to the Snowflake Data Cloud.

BELLEVUE, WA – March 17, 2022 – Mobilize.Net, the leading provider of code understanding and migration tools announced general availability of its SnowConvert migration tool to move Microsoft SQL Server to the Snowflake data cloud.

“SnowConvert automated migration tools have converted more than 500 million lines of code, and more than 12 million objects,” said Tom Button, Chairman and CEO of Mobilize.Net. “No other code conversion tools come close to the volume of code converted. Plus, the median level of automation for workloads is 99%.”

Mobilize.Net SnowConvert for SQL Server provides many types of migrations:

  • DDL/DML (*.sql) to Snowflake SQL (*.sql):
    • SQL statements from SQL Server are converted to Snowflake SQL
  • T-SQL (*.sql) to JavaScript (*.sql):
    • Stored procedures and functions are converted to JavaScript embedded in Snowflake SQL
  • Procedures (*.sql) to Snowflake Scripting (*.sql):
    • Stored procedures can be converted to Snowflake Scripting if preferred over JavaScript embedded in Snowflake SQL

Mobilize.Net automates the conversion of T-SQL as efficiently as with DDL written in SQL. SnowConvert builds a complete understanding of each workload analyzed by the tool and creates a full symbol table and a comprehensive abstract syntax tree for each run of the tool. As a result, the output code is functionally equivalent with the input. Code that "does something" in Microsoft SQL Server will operate the same way in Snowflake. The announcement adds SnowConvert for SQL Server to Mobilize.Net’s earlier releases of SnowConvert for Teradata and SnowConvert for Oracle. Mobilize.Net is committed to building automated conversion tools for other existing data warehouse systems to expedite migration to Snowflake.

In other news, Mobilize.Net has been accepted as a Snowflake Service Partner in addition to its membership in the Snowflake Technology Partner Program.

About Mobilize.Net
Mobilize.Net builds the world's highest fidelity source code translation technology. Millions of developers have used Mobilize.Net technology to successfully modernize billions of lines of code. Mobilize.Net solutions enable customers to reduce risk, cost, and time while moving applications to the platforms businesses demand today. Find out more at

Topics:Snowflakesql conversiondata


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