GAP Migrations Announces SnowConvert for Apache Spark, Accelerating Migration to Snowpark

by DeeDee Walsh, on Wed, Jun, 15, 2022 @ 05:06 AM

Gap Migrations SnowConvert now migrates Apache Spark workloads to Snowflake

LAS VEGAS, NV – June 15, 2022 – At Snowflake Summit today, GAP Migrations announced the addition of Apache Spark to the growing list of sources which its SnowConvert migration tool can automatically analyze, assess, and migrate to the Snowflake Data Cloud. SnowConvert for Spark Scala is available stand-alone, or within BlackDiamond Studio – the newly-announced Snowflake-specific source code analysis tool, integrated development environment, code repository, and migration platform. With BlackDiamond Studio, users can be fully setup to run Scala or Python code using the Snowpark API by simply connecting to their Snowflake account.

“Mobilize.Net SnowConvert already scans, analyzes, and transforms code from the most widely used legacy data platforms,” said Tom Button, CEO of Mobilize.Net. “With this release, Apache Spark users can use Scala with Snowpark in minutes.”

Harnessing the power of data in the Snowflake Data Cloud became even more crucial during the pandemic, when cross domain data and machine learning models became even more necessary for business-critical decisions,” said Padmaja Vrudhula, Vice President, Industry Vertical Workloads at Snowflake. “SnowConvert is an essential tool in Snowflake Professional Services’ toolkit to accelerate migration of workloads from Teradata, Oracle, Apache Spark, and SQL Server to the Snowflake Data Cloud.

With this release of SnowConvert for Spark Scala, customers can dramatically reduce the time, risk, and expense of moving their Spark workloads to Snowflake. Now Spark users can access Snowpark’s unique ability to scale workloads both up and down – which can be much more complicated and expensive with on-premise local machines or Spark clusters. Likewise, SnowConvert enables organizations to use Snowpark to simplify big data structures by warehousing all custom analytics scripts and data in one location.

SnowConvert for Spark Scala supports:

  • Scala functions in Spark (org.apache.spark.sql) are converted to a Scala equivalent in Snowflake, supported by the Snowpark API (com.snowflake.snowpark)
  • Spark SQL functions are converted to UDF's in Snowflake SQL as either:
    • JavaScript embedded in Snowflake SQL
    • Snowflake Scripting

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About GAP Migrations
GAP Migrations builds the world's highest fidelity source code understanding and translation technology. Millions of developers have used GAP Migrations technology to successfully modernize billions of lines of code reducing the risk, cost, and time it takes to migrate to today’s cloud platforms. SnowConvert is developed in partnership with Snowflake. Find out more at

Topics:Snowflakesnowparkscala#SnowflakeSummitSparkApache Spark


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