Enterprise Software Pioneer Joins Mobilize.Net Advisory Board

by DeeDee Walsh, on Thu, Aug, 07, 2014 @ 00:08 AM

Paul Butterworth, former CTO of Forte, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and several software startups, joins Mobilize.Net advisory board.

BELLEVUE, WA – Aug 6, 2014 – Mobilize.Net, the leading provider of enterprise software modernization technology for mobile and cloud, today announced the addition of Paul Butterworth to the Mobilize.Net Advisory Board. Paul Butterworth is a pioneer in the enterprise software space and has successfully created and led the development of several enterprise software start-ups including Forte Software NASDAQ: FRTE (acquired by Sun Microsystems in 1999) and AmberPoint (acquired by Oracle NASDAQ: ORCL in 2010). Mr. Butterworth will help guide Mobilize.Net to realize the vision of bringing valuable line of business applications software into the world of mobile devices connected to the cloud.  “Paul’s insights into mobility and cloud and his expertise in working with organizations as CTO will be invaluable as we transform customers’ legacy applications for mobile devices hosted on cloud-based services.” said Tom Button, President and CEO of Mobilize.Net.

About Paul Butterworth

Paul ButterworthPaul Butterworth is currently Executive Vice President, Engineering at You Technology Inc. Past roles include Co-founder and CTO of Emotive, where he conceived and designed the Emotive Cloud Platform for enterprise mobile computing. Before that, Paul was an Architect at Oracle and a founder & CTO at AmberPoint where he directed the technical strategy for the AmberPoint SOA governance products. Prior to AmberPoint, Paul was a Distinguished Engineer and Chief Technologist for the Developer Tools Group at Sun Microsystems and a founder, Chief Architect and Senior Vice President of Forte Software. Paul also served as Chief Systems Architect at Ingres. Paul holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Computer Science from UC Irvine.

About Mobilize.Net

Mobilize.Net accelerates and simplifies the transformation of software applications to .NET, web, mobile, and cloud platforms. Millions of developers have used Mobilize.Net technology to successfully modernize billions of lines of code. Mobilize.Net solutions enable customers to reduce risk, cost, and time while moving applications to the platforms businesses demand today. Mobilize.Net migration technology is Microsoft's chosen solution for Visual Studio and MSDN customers. The privately-held Mobilize.Net is based in Bellevue, WA, and is led by former Microsoft Corporate Vice President, Tom Button. For more information, please go to www.mobilize.net 

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Media Contact:

Dee Dee Walsh, deedeew@mobilize.net
VP of Marketing & Business Development

Topics:SUNOraclesoftware developmentapplication modernizationMobile Application DevelopmentPaul Butterworth


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