VB6 to C# is not a trojan

by John Browne, on Nov 6, 2015 11:20:55 AM

I love hearing from our customers but the email waiting for me while I was drinking my first cup of coffee was disturbing.

A prospective customer wrote to say their antivirus program had identified two of our dlls as a Trojan horse attack. And he found a website that reiterated this info as well. The dll is part of the Visual Basic Upgrade Companion, something thousands of people use every year and hundreds of thousands have used since it was first released.

First of all, our dlls are not Trojan horses. How or why they were mistakenly flagged (for now I don't want to name names because I'm sure this is just a mistake somewhere) by one anti-virus program remains to be understood--we'll talk to the company asap to ask them to fix their reporting database. Our installer exe is signed with our certificate. We only distribute it on our website, which is on a CMS managed by a highly-respected public company.

Now, there's always the possibility that someone somewhere has stolen our software and is distributing a counterfeit version with malware injected. A quick Google search showed two sites I've never heard of claiming to have downloads of the Visual Basic Upgrade Companion. One was flagged by Google as a malicious website; the other immediately downloaded a *.ace file; neither of these are from us.

If you want to try the VBUC, please make sure you only download it from http://www.mobilize.net.


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