Useful Microsoft news

by John Browne, on Feb 13, 2017 4:15:15 PM

From the news desk:

  • Back to the future: The VB.NET team blogs about the future of VB.NET. Whether this is just badly written or deliberately ambiguous I can't say but based on the comments it appears I wasn't alone in not getting a clear picture. It DOES appear that MSFT doesn't see VB quite as strategic as C# or even F# (does anyone actually USE F#?). 
  • First you shoot all the lawyers: Nevertheless, Microsoft says if you use Azure they will protect you from patent trolls by giving you "access" to their their 10,000 patents. I hope the one for making a cat chase a laser pointer is in there somewhere.
  • He had an $8B expense report: Steve Sing, the guy who led Concur to its acquisition by SAP, says the cloud is so 2016. Microservices are the new black. While not technically Microsoft news, I needed another bullet point so there you go.




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