The Best of Connect(); 2016

by DeeDee Walsh, on Oct 24, 2017 3:44:15 PM


Remember the good old days of 2016? Apple got a new headphone jack, Samsung's phones kept exploding, hackers hacked everything.... and Microsoft hosted 3 days of awesome, technical content at Connect(); 2016 to make even the most hardened dev happy. While our day job is bringing you the best modernization tools on the planet, as true geeks, we spend our evenings and weekends watching technical videos because, well, let's not get into it. Suffice it to say, we've found some good stuff and we decided to share the highlights with you. Microsoft_Connect-1-003-779x389

Without further ado:

Scott Guthrie Unplugged

Scott Guthrie is the EVP at Microsoft who's responsible for everything Azure, Visual Studio, SQL Server, PowerBI, etc. etc. In this session he talks about Azure and cross-platform applications. While it's a year old, it's a great view into how Microsoft is viewing development in an open source world.

ALM & DevOps with Brian Harry and Jamie Cool

Any session by Brian Harry is worth watching. They show a demo where they set up Continuous Integration and Delivery for a Java app to a Docker container in Azure, which was written in IntelliJ IDEA on a Mac.

.NET Core + Application Insights by Jeff Prosise and Scott Peterson

If you've never heard Jeff Prosise speak, then I'm happy to be able to introduce you to one of the most smart and connected guys in the Microsoft ecosystem. He is unbelievably smart and is a great speaker. This session provides practical application of ASP.NET Core and Azure App Services. Don't miss it!

.NET Productivity Improvements by Kasey Uhlenhuth

If you're like me, you often miss some of the features in VS and .NET because This session is a nice overview that gives you a taste of what's available. It's only 12 minutes long but it's worth it.

Distributing your application and collecting information

Overview of the HockeyApp and Visual Studio Mobile Center. Good info on how to distribute an app.

Those are my favorite sessions. The good news is that MS Connect(); 2017 is coming next month! You can look forward to seeing new info on Microsoft products and here at Mobilize, we might have an announcement or two as well. :)

Topics:application modernizationAzureVisual StudioConference


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