That Visual Studio logo--it's not what you think it is

by John Browne, on Mar 3, 2017 2:33:35 PM

TL/DR: It's not an infinity symbol.

VS logos

The logo for Visual Studio looks a lot like the symbol for infinity--which might make you wonder if that's the expected compile time for your current project. Long before Google decided that more colors are better, the original VS logo (above left) sported a whole spectrum, morphed into the double loop (center) and now has a hip, angular, mono-color look (right). 

And they all look like an infinity sign. So, are they?

For the real answer, we gathered a crew of our old friends and comrades (they're not THAT old) who were the original team at Microsoft 20 years ago (!) that championed and launched Visual Studio. In 1997. Remember 1997? Bill Clinton was in the White House and Jerry, Elaine, and George talked about "nothing" every week in the top TV slot. 

Tom Button, CEO of Mobilize and formerly corporate vice president of Microsoft Visual Studio took a moment to describe the what and why of the Visual Studio infinity logo. Let’s just say that you might be surprised at the origins… 

Why are we re-hashing this old stuff? Because we're the team that created Visual Studio, Visual Basic, and a host of other Microsoft technologies. We tell you this because we think no one is more qualified to help you get out of your Microsoft technical debt than the team that created it. No one knows the ins and outs of old Microsoft and client server code than us.

Topics:Visual Studio


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