First, I want credit for not calling this post "AI in .NET 9 is Mighty Fine." I'm a sucker for a bad rhyme so it took a lot of self control. Second, I'm excited for the upcoming release of .NET 9! With .NET 9, Microsoft is making a HUGE push into AI - I know, shocking... It's like AI is a big deal right now or something. Anyway, I did a bunch of investigative work to figure out what's going on in .NET 9 to help developers build more intelligent applications. There's A LOT.
Here's what I found - and I'll continue to update this as I learn more:
TensorFlow.NET is leveling up with high performance C# bindings and automatic differentiation support. The full Keras API is now in C# too:
var model = keras.Sequential(new[] {
keras.layers.Dense(64, activation: "relu", input_shape: new[] { 784 }),
keras.layers.Dense(10, activation: "softmax")
model.compile(optimizer: "adam", loss: "categorical_crossentropy", metrics: new[] { "accuracy" });
The OpenAI SDK gives developers direct access to OpenAI's latest public AI models, including GPT-4 and its structured output capabilities. This means you'll have full API support, both synchronous and asynchronous APIs to fit your needs - and even streaming completions for realtime processing. The SDK is built to be extensible, so you can customize it further. Plus, there's legit integration with Azure OpenAI for enterprise-level deployments. This opens up a ton of possibilities for building smarter .NET applications with conversational AI, dynamic content generation and AI-driven features like audio transcription and text-to-speech generation.
No more messing around with separate package installs. We're getting a dedicated namespace (Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime
) with a sweet API to directly load and run ONNX models:
AutoML is even smarter with multi-metric optimization and time series forecasting support:
var result = mlContext.Model.Infer<SentimentPrediction>(model, "This is a great product!");
AI-assisted code generation (snippets, refactoring, unit tests) is integrated into the .NET 9 SDK via the dotnet ai command and is pretty amazing:
.NET 9 offers a rich set of NLP tools for tokenization, NER*, sentiment analysis and text classification:
var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(); var tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize("Hello, world!");
var ner = new NamedEntityRecognizer(); var entities = ner.RecognizeEntities("Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates.");
*Note: It has come to my attention that my attribution for NER is suspect. Still trying to confirm. Thanks to Ron Clabo for asking.
GPU acceleration in .NET 9 is more accessible than ever:
using var gpuContext = new CudaContext(); using var gpuTensor = new CudaTensor<float>(gpuContext, new[] { 1000, 1000 });
.NET 9 simplifies AI model deployment with new ASP.NET Core integration:
Example of defining a model endpoint:
app.MapPost("/predict", async (HttpContext context, MLModel model) => { var input = await context.Request.ReadFromJsonAsync<InputData>(); var prediction = model.Predict(input); return Results.Json(prediction); }) .WithOpenApi() .WithName("PredictEndpoint") .WithVersion("v1");
.NET 9 introduces new numerics APIs for efficient tensor and matrix operations:
Example usage:
var matrix1 = Matrix<float>.Create(100, 100); var matrix2 = Matrix<float>.Create(100, 100); var result = Matrix<float>.Multiply(matrix1, matrix2);
So when we're talking about .NET 9, it's not just about building models - we need to keep an eye on them in production too. Think of it like having a dashboard for your AI:
And since Microsoft is cloud-first, there's tight integration with Azure for scalable monitoring solutions.
I might be biased (note: I am biased) but .NET has the best community in the developer ecosystem. With .NET being open source - including all of the libraries, tools and frameworks available on GitHub, there's tons of collaboration happening all the time. Not to mention all of the cool Microsoft and community sponsored events, it's a great time to be a .NET developer. All of the AI support is just another reason it's a great place to be.
Bottom line, Microsoft is making MAJOR investments in AI and they're bringing the .NET and development community along. Also, I'm pretty sure I missed stuff so good news is that you'll probably find even more AI treasures as you play around with .NET 9. Haven't tried it yet? You can download it here.
Want more AI resources? Here's some stuff we've been working on at GAP: