Since there are hundreds of controls and vendors in the VB6 market, many migration customers are looking to automatically convert their references to legacy 3rd party components to revamped .NET versions.
The Visual Basic Upgrade Companion’s core functionality can be customized to satisfy your specific VB6 to .NET migration needs in terms of control/library automated conversion ratio.
The VBUC’s extensibility approach allows you to automatically upgrade your specific programming patterns, to add some new functionality on the migrated .NET application, and also to convert the ActiveX controls that you have in the original application to .NET Framework components or newer versions of those specific third-party controls, saving manual efforts, time and money on your VB to .NET migration projects.
Below you can find a list with the ActiveX controls that are currently supported by default by the Visual Basic Upgrade Companion:
Original Component/Library | From | Target Component/Library | Vendor |
COMSVCSLib | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
CSTextLib | Crescent Software | C1Input | ComponentOne |
FPSpread | FarPoint | Spread | FarPoint |
MAPI | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
Mh3dlblLib | MicroHelp | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSACAL | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSComCtl2 | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSComCtlLib | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSComDlg | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSDataGridLib | Microsoft | TrueDBGrid | ComponentOne |
MSDBGridLib | Microsoft | TrueDBGrid | ComponentOne |
MSFlexGridLib | Microsoft | FlexGrid | ComponentOne |
MSMask | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSWLess | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MSXML2 | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
MTxAS | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
vb.Printer | Microsoft | Helper class | ArtinSoft |
RichTextBox | Microsoft | .NET equivalents | Microsoft |
Scripting | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
SHDocVw | Microsoft | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
SSActiveTreeView | Sheridan | .NET TreeView | Microsoft |
SSCalendarWidgets | Sheridan | .NET equivalents | Microsoft |
SSDataWidgets_B | Sheridan | TrueDBGrid | ComponentOne |
SSDataWidgets_B | Sheridan | UltraWinGrid | Infragistics |
SSDesignerWidgets | Sheridan | .NET TabControl | Microsoft |
SSListBar | Sheridan | UltraWinListBar | Infragistics |
SSSpliter | Sheridan | .NET SplitContainer | Microsoft |
Threed | Sheridan | .NET TabControl | Microsoft |
TrueDBGrid50Lib | APEX | TrueDBGrid | ComponentOne |
TrueDBGrid60Lib | APEX | TrueDBGrid | ComponentOne |
TrueDBGrid70Lib | APEX | TrueDBGrid | ComponentOne |
VSFlex7Ctl | VideoSoft | C1FlexGrid | ComponentOne |
VSFlex7LCtl | VideoSoft | C1FlexGrid | ComponentOne |
VSOcxLib | Sheridan | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
XArrayCustom | APEX | Helper class | ArtinSoft |
XArrayObject | APEX | .NET intrinsic | Microsoft |
The Visual Basic Upgrade Companion features a user-customizable mapping engine called the Custom Maps extensibility. This means the user can specify particular transformations for element occurrences in the original VB6 code, so that they can be converted (mapped) into specific library elements, intrinsic or 3rd party. As a result, the overall VB to .NET migration process’ precision can be enhanced by creating personalized mappings to handle conflictive or particular elements.
8834 N Capital of Texas Hwy, Ste 302
Austin, TX 78759
Call us: +1 (425) 609-8458